
Rachel Hilts Rachel Hilts

Induced Lactation: How to breastfeed without pregnancy.

An interesting, less talked about topic in the world of pregnancy and breastfeeding is the practice of inducing lactation for a non-gestational parent to be able to breastfeed their baby. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to be pregnant or give birth to breastfeed your baby!

This blog will review what it means to induce lactation, and the most common method of doing so.

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Rachel Hilts Rachel Hilts

How Birth Control Pills Impact Your Nutrition

You may be surprised to hear that birth control pills may cause you to have low levels of some important nutrients. In this post we will take a look at what those nutrients are and how to ensure you’re getting enough of them. It’s also common to experience some side effects when you decide to stop taking birth control, so we’ll have a chat about some helpful tips to help keep your hormones and nutrient levels stable when that time comes.

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Pregnancy Nutrition Rachel Hilts Pregnancy Nutrition Rachel Hilts

Eating for two? Let’s chat pregnancy nutrition needs.

As your body changes during pregnancy, so do your nutrition and energy needs. Growing a baby is no easy feat, and it's important that your body is fuelled with enough energy and nutrients to meet your body's needs and your growing baby's needs. But this doesn’t mean it has to be complicated!

This post will look at what nutrients needs increase during pregnancy, and give you some examples of meals or snacks to include, to help you meet those needs.

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Rachel Hilts Rachel Hilts

Optimizing Baby’s Brain Development: Important Nutrients

The first 1000 days, from conception until 2 years, are a very important time for the growth and development of your baby, especially for their brain.

In this post we will the important nutrients that will help your babies brain develop, and what foods you can find these nutrients in!

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Rachel Hilts Rachel Hilts

Food Safety During Pregnancy - Part 2: Foods to avoid and what to do instead.

While my nutrition approach is typically looking at what we can include, or add in, rather than foods to eliminate or restrict - pregnancy is a bit of an exception as there there are a few foods that we may want to avoid for safety.

This article aims to educate and empower you to make your own informed decisions and continue to enjoy food through your pregnancy, stress-free!

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Rachel Hilts Rachel Hilts

Food Safety During Pregnancy - Part 1: Listeria and more.

We often hear about listeria being a big concern when it comes to food safety during pregnancy - but if you’ve ever wondered why it matters or what exactly it is, read on! We will also touch on some other bacteria and parasites that are important to be aware of during pregnancy (Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Toxoplasma).

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Rachel Hilts Rachel Hilts

Key Strategies for Reducing Infant Food Allergies

Introducing allergens can be a terrifying step when introducing foods to your baby. The thought of your baby having an allergic reaction can often be enough to avoid these foods altogether - but is that the right route to take?

Read more here about 5 key tips (starting in pregnancy) to help you reduce the risk of your child (or future child) having food allergies.

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Rachel Hilts Rachel Hilts

Simple High Folate Spinach and Beet Salad

Folate get’s a lot of attention when it comes to pregnancy. We know that folate can play a role in reducing the risk of Neural Tube Defects, but it is also an important nutrient for many other reasons!

Check out this salad for one easy way to help meet your daily folate needs.

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