
Cycle Tracking, Fertility Rachel Hilts Cycle Tracking, Fertility Rachel Hilts

Understanding your Menstrual Cycle, and the best ways to track your cycle.

Whether you’re trying to conceive, trying to prevent pregnancy, or just trying to get a better idea of your hormones and menstrual cycles, tracking your cycle can be helpful. Cycle tracking can also be helpful for giving you some more information to identify whether you ovulated during your cycle or not, even when having regular periods. Knowing this information can also help you to know how different aspects of your lifestyle may be impacting your cycle.

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Rachel Hilts Rachel Hilts

How Birth Control Pills Impact Your Nutrition

You may be surprised to hear that birth control pills may cause you to have low levels of some important nutrients. In this post we will take a look at what those nutrients are and how to ensure you’re getting enough of them. It’s also common to experience some side effects when you decide to stop taking birth control, so we’ll have a chat about some helpful tips to help keep your hormones and nutrient levels stable when that time comes.

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Rachel Hilts Rachel Hilts


You’ve probably heard the term Endo mentioned, especially if you’re in the women’s health or fertility world – but what actually is Endo?

In this post we will briefly describe what Endo is and some of its main symptoms. If you think this might sound like you, we’ve also got the diagnostic criteria and some next steps listed below as well.

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Rachel Hilts Rachel Hilts

Simple High Folate Spinach and Beet Salad

Folate get’s a lot of attention when it comes to pregnancy. We know that folate can play a role in reducing the risk of Neural Tube Defects, but it is also an important nutrient for many other reasons!

Check out this salad for one easy way to help meet your daily folate needs.

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